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    Steller J.: Hydropower in Poland - looking forward for a new stimulusHydropower Europe Nordic Workshop, Lulea (Sweden), 28-29 August 2019
    Steller J.: 3rd East European Hydropower Forum. Introduction to the region, RENEXPO Interhydro 2019, Salzburg, 28.12.2019
    Steller J., Lewandowski S.., Malicka M., Kremere E., Popa B., Punys P.: Hydropower in the East European region - challenges and opportunities, HYDRO 2018, Progress through Partnerships, Gdansk, 15 - 17 October 2018


    HYPOSO: Small hydropower technologies - European state-of-the-art innovations, WIP Renewable Energies, Munich, Germany, 2020

    Steller J, Lewandowski S., Malicka E., Kremere E., Popa B., Punys P.: Hydropower in the East European region - challenges and opportunities. HYDRO 2018 "Progress through partnerships", Gdańsk, 15-17 października 2018, materiały konferencyjne (pendrive), referat 02b01, 22 s.
    Steller J.: Hydropower and its development, Acta Energetica, 3/14 (2013), pp. 7-20 bilingual article - English and Polish
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