We invite you to HYDROFORUM 2020 conference
The conference HYDROFORUM 2000 is planed in Gdańsk at December, 10-11, 2020. The conference venue will be Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych in Gdańsk, ul. Fiszera 14. (Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences - IMP PAN). The number of delegates is expected to reach about 90.
We will publish current information on HYDROFORUM web site hydroforum.tew.pl .
We invite you to participate. It is already possible to register participants and submit papers.
HYDROFORUM Polish Hydropower Conferences
The HYDROFORUM Polish Hydropower Conferences continue the PHC RENEXPO Poland conference cycle and the HYDROFORUM series of conferences as organised previously by the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN). The Conferences form a platform for discussion on challenges encountered by the hydropower sector in Poland and other European countries in view of changes in its legal & administrative constraints, but also capabilities resulting from the hydropower potential, available technology and environmental requirements. Our events provide a unique opportunity in the region for exchange of opinions and information on observed trends and prospects for the sector, as well as experience on erection and operation of hydropower installations, new solutions to technical problems and the results of R&D efforts. The debate is attended by representatives of broadly conceived hydropower sector, academic institutions, central and local authorities as well as NGOs. The Conferences are addressed especially to representatives of Central-Eastern and Northern Europe, but delegates from other regions are welcome as well. The debate is usually planned for two days and carried out in Polish and English with simultaneous interpretation support.