HYDROFORUM 2022 on the XXXth birthday of the Polish Hydropower Association
It is our pleasure and privilege to invite you again to participate in our annual hydropower event, which with its name and scope continues tradition of a series of HYDROFORUM scientific and technical conferences initiated in the first half of the seventies of the last century by the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences. This time, the HYDROFORUM event will include both the XI Polish Hydropower Conference and the symposium of the Life NEXUS project which is aimed at promotion of harvesting the energy dissipated so far in urban and industrial water supply systems and waste water treatment plants. This year debate will take place on October 26 and 27th at "Witkowski" hotel in Warsaw. On October 28th, we are planning a study visit to Dębe Hydropower Power Plan. The plant is currently at the stage of a thorough rehabilitation. As in previous years, the organizers are the Polish Hydropower Association (TEW), the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) and the Polish Association of Small Hydropower Development (TRMEW). The support of our excellent partners and sponsors is highly acknowledged.
Online registration via the HYDROFORUM (http://hydroforum.tew.pl) website is now available. You can also register by sending us the completed registration form. The form, together with other conference documents is also available from hydroforum.tew.pl website.